Or the wonderful world of authentic French crêpes…

In February 2008, when Blandine Mazéran moved to Colorado Springs from France, she sadly had to say good bye to the first crêpe griddle her parents had given her for her 30th birthday because of voltage incompatibility.
You see... there are crêpes in a skillet... and there are crêpes on a griddle... When you start using a griddle, you slowly move towards perfection.
In the summer of 2008, Blandine started to train herself in crêpe making. Her goal: perfecting THE best crêpes.
By November 2008, she had 2 brand new professional gas crêpe griddles... She then started making crêpes anywhere: homes, garages, recess time at school,
dental office, preschool, gelato place, deck… With her 2 griddles, she could really make excellent crêpes, just like the best crêperies in France.

Wholly Crêpe!

How the crêpes classes came to be...

In the summer of 2009, she went to Brittany, France, THE capital of crêpes. There, she stayed with an awarded professional crêpe maker to refine her knowledge with the aim of opening a crêperie in Colorado Springs.
In May 2010, Wholly Crêpe was born in Chapel Hills mall. There, she trained several employees into making the perfect crêpes (for some, it took 1 crêpe… for others, it took 200!). In September 2010, Wholly Crêpe had to close, but Blandine knew she would be back one day with her crêpes.
In 2012, when she started cooking classes, she of course wanted to offer crêpes classes.
But she had to deal with a real problem for her: how to teach you to make the best crêpes in your own home without having to use professional crêpe griddles! Blandine is a perfectionist (as if you did not know that already…). When you start making crêpes on a griddle, it is very hard to go back to using a skillet.
After months of trying to find the best way possible, she finally found the answer and launched crêpes classes in January 2014.

Is it easy to find crêpes classes in the USA?

Not really. The French Kitchen is the only one to offer a truly authentic crêpes class in Colorado. You can find some in other states but most of the time,
they will teach you on professional crêpe griddles so you cannot reproduce your practice at home.

So why can I reproduce what I learn in this class at home?
At The French Kitchen, our goal is for you to learn easy ways to do everything in a tasty way! The crêpes class is not different. We will teach you on a home-style crêpe griddle that you can purchase, to do exactly the same at home.
But why can’t we learn to do crêpes in a skillet?
Blandine has had so many “skillet crêpes” as a child… but when she started researching the crêpe world more deeply and opened her crêperie, the “skillet crêpes” were gone from her vocabulary. In this class, she wants to show you the professional way, home-style! The griddles used give you an excellent almost professional result and enable you to do the authentic gluten free savory crêpes the skillet cannot do.
Are you saying authentic crêpes are GLUTEN FREE?
Absolutely! There are 2 batters, a savory and a sweet one. The savory batter has been GLUTEN FREE ever since its origin. And do you know the best thing? You can use this same gluten free batter to make excellent sweet crêpes.

A 5 hour class you will remember!

Fillings preparation

Make 5 different fillings: salted butter caramel, chocolate sauce, caramelized apples, leek fondue, garlic and parsley sautéed mushrooms.

Crêpe technique

Using a home griddle, practice turning crêpes after crêpes until you get the correct movement.

Crêpe batter

Everyone will prepare 1 sweet and 1 savory batter.

Crêpe filling

Learn the different combinations of fillings, how to fill, fold and serve a crêpe. Learn about crêpe bowls and decorations.

Crêpe tasting

Everyone will prepare their own savory and sweet crêpes with the fillings of their choice (more fillings that do not require any prep will be available).

What you take home

- A typical crêperie menu that will provide endless possibilities of sweet and savory crêpes.
- The crêpes you turned while practicing (the number depends on your skills!).
- The filling prepared in class.

Contact us


The French Kitchen
4771 N Academy Blvd.
Colorado Springs
CO 80918

(At the corner of Flintridge & Academy)

Hours & Closures

Monday – Saturday: 7am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed
Private events can be scheduled outside of opening hours!
Holidays observed: New Year’s Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day


(719) 528-6295
